For years I suffered through depression and anxiety.
I am one of many people who have lived through many traumatic experiences.
For some of us it seems we attract death, violence and destruction at times.
I won't go through the list of instances, because we have all experienced trauma and we all handle it in different ways.
I actually decided to seek professional help and upon examination the psychiatrist had no diagnosis for me. She said "You are a very durable person who has been through a lot. You are not mentally ill."
Some people can be broken by their life experiences and some are more prone to mental illness as well. My family has a history of mental illness but still I rose up. Not out of religion. The whole "Jesus saves" thing never did anything for me and this may upset some of you but it's the truth.
I was raised in a Christian family. All my life I was taught you had to follow the bible. I was taught I was a sinner, worthless, helpless. I remember reading the bible in my mind I felt like something wasn't right. I thought to myself "These people and this god does some pretty messed up stuff." But I was afraid to break away from it. You know because of the whole "You'll go to hell" thing. The whole "Jesus says love him or burn in hell" thing.... I didn't feel like a happy believer I felt like a hostage.
I was in a car accident in 2008 and suffered a closed wound traumatic brain injury. My brain was swelled, there was some damage that had many affects on me. My personality was changed, who I was was changed. It felt as though I had been violently awakened from a slumber I had been in since birth.
For a long time I was lost. It's like losing a parent when you lose your faith in a religion. People kept trying to draw me back in, but I knew then as I know now once you're awake you're awake. I've seen behind the curtain. I have no desire to go back to sleep, I had slept long enough.
For a while I was just angry, sad, I suffered nightmares, PTSD. It lasted for years until somehow after a lot of vertigo, seizures, trials of medication my soul realigned with my body. I was suddenly able to catch my balance. How did I catch my balance? Simple... Meditation. Meditation did for me what medication and religion couldn't. It centered me, grounded me. It brought me out of chaos into love's embrace.
As I meditated and researched religion and philosophy, I grew. I watched a lot of ted talks as well. I noticed something amazing, something that surprised and elated me! I noticed that the knowledge I was gaining through intuition and meditation was the same knowledge others where. We were all getting the same messages and they were coming from inside of us. Not from some book or a teacher or a giant man in the sky. It was coming from inside. I was able to discuss this with my nephew, who is at the beginning stages of what I believe to be an awakening, even though his is coming naturally, he had no need for a car accident. We would express our views and what we learn and our experiences and beliefs matched up at an amazing rate. I knew then that I was on the right path. As I did more research I'd watch videos, I saw the one with Jim Carrey, the words coming out of his mouth as I watched rang true to what I had been learning as well as the one of Russell Brand! These comedians, who suffered from addiction, depression, etc.. were pulling themselves together with the same thing I was. There was no preacher, no church, no book it all was just knowledge from within!
All these things we had learned through meditation.
I remember one of the first messages that really touched me when I was meditating was when I heard "You are not what you have done, you are not what has been done to you." I really needed that at the time.
Victims of violence, both sexual and non, often feel as though there is something wrong with them. They/we take that dark energy around the situation on as a part of who we are. Through meditation I stripped that away from who I was.
I began to calm my anger and frustration in my day to day life. I started noticing things that made me angry or frustrated, not because they were bad things, but I had been conditioned to perceive them as bad things.
For instance:
It was a hot day, I was driving and the window was stuck down, it was broken wouldn't roll up. Suddenly a storm came and I was driving down the street window down being covered in rain. My first reaction was "Just my luck." Then something inside me said, "Why is this a bad thing." and I paused ant thought about it. I thought, "It's hot outside this rain feels good. Why am I complaining?" That's when I realized it was just part of the conditioning of society. Most of us have heard someone say "She doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain." This insinuates that being out in the rain somehow makes you stupid. Over time I noticed I was doing this more and more and the more I picked away parts of myself that were put their by silly sayings and social norms the happier I was. I love the rain. I enjoy playing in the rain, I recently showered in the rain!
The more you meditate and the more you listen to your intuition, the happier and freer you will be.
Here are some tips for meditation.
Youtube is full of meditations.. Find some that are right for you.
Start with guided meditations. Some of them start out by having you relax every part of your body. These meditations are great ones to begin with and as you start to meditate longer they are often just step one in your meditation. It's what gets you to the point of relaxation to where you can delve deeper.
The most important thing when you start your meditation is that you are somewhere where you won't be disturbed and that you are comfortable. Some people like to lay down, some like to sit. I suggest if you sit on the floor you tuck a small pillow under the back of your bottom at the base of your spine to align your spine.
This is my stage two meditation when I need to let go of a lot of stress. It may be right for you it may not but it does wonders for me.
I am one of many people who have lived through many traumatic experiences.
For some of us it seems we attract death, violence and destruction at times.
I won't go through the list of instances, because we have all experienced trauma and we all handle it in different ways.
I actually decided to seek professional help and upon examination the psychiatrist had no diagnosis for me. She said "You are a very durable person who has been through a lot. You are not mentally ill."
Some people can be broken by their life experiences and some are more prone to mental illness as well. My family has a history of mental illness but still I rose up. Not out of religion. The whole "Jesus saves" thing never did anything for me and this may upset some of you but it's the truth.
I was raised in a Christian family. All my life I was taught you had to follow the bible. I was taught I was a sinner, worthless, helpless. I remember reading the bible in my mind I felt like something wasn't right. I thought to myself "These people and this god does some pretty messed up stuff." But I was afraid to break away from it. You know because of the whole "You'll go to hell" thing. The whole "Jesus says love him or burn in hell" thing.... I didn't feel like a happy believer I felt like a hostage.
I was in a car accident in 2008 and suffered a closed wound traumatic brain injury. My brain was swelled, there was some damage that had many affects on me. My personality was changed, who I was was changed. It felt as though I had been violently awakened from a slumber I had been in since birth.
For a long time I was lost. It's like losing a parent when you lose your faith in a religion. People kept trying to draw me back in, but I knew then as I know now once you're awake you're awake. I've seen behind the curtain. I have no desire to go back to sleep, I had slept long enough.
For a while I was just angry, sad, I suffered nightmares, PTSD. It lasted for years until somehow after a lot of vertigo, seizures, trials of medication my soul realigned with my body. I was suddenly able to catch my balance. How did I catch my balance? Simple... Meditation. Meditation did for me what medication and religion couldn't. It centered me, grounded me. It brought me out of chaos into love's embrace.
As I meditated and researched religion and philosophy, I grew. I watched a lot of ted talks as well. I noticed something amazing, something that surprised and elated me! I noticed that the knowledge I was gaining through intuition and meditation was the same knowledge others where. We were all getting the same messages and they were coming from inside of us. Not from some book or a teacher or a giant man in the sky. It was coming from inside. I was able to discuss this with my nephew, who is at the beginning stages of what I believe to be an awakening, even though his is coming naturally, he had no need for a car accident. We would express our views and what we learn and our experiences and beliefs matched up at an amazing rate. I knew then that I was on the right path. As I did more research I'd watch videos, I saw the one with Jim Carrey, the words coming out of his mouth as I watched rang true to what I had been learning as well as the one of Russell Brand! These comedians, who suffered from addiction, depression, etc.. were pulling themselves together with the same thing I was. There was no preacher, no church, no book it all was just knowledge from within!
All these things we had learned through meditation.
I remember one of the first messages that really touched me when I was meditating was when I heard "You are not what you have done, you are not what has been done to you." I really needed that at the time.
Victims of violence, both sexual and non, often feel as though there is something wrong with them. They/we take that dark energy around the situation on as a part of who we are. Through meditation I stripped that away from who I was.
I began to calm my anger and frustration in my day to day life. I started noticing things that made me angry or frustrated, not because they were bad things, but I had been conditioned to perceive them as bad things.
For instance:
It was a hot day, I was driving and the window was stuck down, it was broken wouldn't roll up. Suddenly a storm came and I was driving down the street window down being covered in rain. My first reaction was "Just my luck." Then something inside me said, "Why is this a bad thing." and I paused ant thought about it. I thought, "It's hot outside this rain feels good. Why am I complaining?" That's when I realized it was just part of the conditioning of society. Most of us have heard someone say "She doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain." This insinuates that being out in the rain somehow makes you stupid. Over time I noticed I was doing this more and more and the more I picked away parts of myself that were put their by silly sayings and social norms the happier I was. I love the rain. I enjoy playing in the rain, I recently showered in the rain!
The more you meditate and the more you listen to your intuition, the happier and freer you will be.
Here are some tips for meditation.
Youtube is full of meditations.. Find some that are right for you.
Start with guided meditations. Some of them start out by having you relax every part of your body. These meditations are great ones to begin with and as you start to meditate longer they are often just step one in your meditation. It's what gets you to the point of relaxation to where you can delve deeper.
The most important thing when you start your meditation is that you are somewhere where you won't be disturbed and that you are comfortable. Some people like to lay down, some like to sit. I suggest if you sit on the floor you tuck a small pillow under the back of your bottom at the base of your spine to align your spine.
This is my stage two meditation when I need to let go of a lot of stress. It may be right for you it may not but it does wonders for me.
Awesome stuff!