Blinded by light, hidden in darkness Balance

Those who live in the light can not understand those who live in the shadows.
The brilliance of the light blinds them to the shadows.
They live in blissful ignorance of what goes on in the dark, in the night, in the hidden places.
To understand pain and suffering you have to experience it.
It can not be explained and the encounter can not be retained through description.
Those who live in the shadows express their pain through art and music. Trying to find ways to release what's inside of them, in a song or a painting.
Those who live in the light have a tendency to believe they have the answers, everything comes so easily to them so they must be some kind of expert in all things or so they believe.
Light is brilliant, loud, confident and is under the impression that if it shines bright enough no one will see whats hidden away in it's shadows.
Dark is hidden, quiet, always questioning everything and under the impression that if they hide deep enough in the shadows they will be safe.
Light is love and healing,
dark is pain and healing.
Those who live in the light often deny their darker crevices.
Those who live in the dark often hide from the light.
You need a balance between the two to both have hope and understanding, to understand love and compassion.
To have compassion is to know where love is needed.

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